My 2024 Food Vision Board
2024 is the year for more margs, new recipes, and so many sweets (so basically, nothing's changing).
‘Tis the damn season for vision boards, my friends, and the most important thing I want to think about for my new year is—what will I be eating? When I saw everyone on Instagram and TikTok having vision-board-making parties, I thought: wait, how fun would a food vision board be? And thus, here I am, manifesting a new year filled with great meals. Here’s my vision for next year—aka my 2024 in food. I hope you’ll feel inspired to curate your own.
Next year, I want to be drinking so many more spicy margs (salt rim, please!) and espresso martinis. Of course, I’ll be drinking red wine (pinot noir and merlot), but margs and espresso tinis will be my go-tos for sure. More importantly, I want so many more happy hours with the kind of friends who make you want to buy another round—and another.
I have this vision (no pun intended) of hosting an intimate dinner party next year. Friends, family, wine, candles, cheese boards, a meal cooked by me. Which leads me to…
So much more cooking! I want to follow cookbooks, try new recipes, cook dinner for my family and friends, make all the pastries in the world. I want the kitchen to be my comfort place next year.
Some new recipes I want to try—homemade poke bowls, hasselback potatoes, baked brie cheese, burrata pasta, anything with cherry tomatoes, and so on and on and on.
Of course, some of my eating habits will remain the same next year—so much cheese (I’m a mouse), so many bagels, lots of coffee and matcha (with vanilla, iced, even in winter), only oat milk (have I mentioned that I’m gay yet?), and all the baked goods (cookies, cheesecakes, a crème brûlée do-over!).
I’m hoping travel is on the horizon next year, in which case I’ll be trying all the foods of wherever I go. At the very least, I’ll be trying many new places here at home, most times with the people I love, but hopefully with enough courage to have some outings on my own.
And lastly, I hope to keep blogging it all, so here’s to hoping you’ll be here to read all about it.
Happy new year, fellow foodies. I hope 2024 is good to you.